Orchestrate Guest Mobile App


Create an application to help client's hospitality guests customize their experience.


The Guest Mobile App is a Hospitality app created for clients to keep their VIP guests entertained and on track while they attend special events such as the Olympics, special conferences or major sporting events, to name a few. Through the guest mobile app, consumers can keep track of their pre-registered programs with a custom itinerary, tweak events if they change their mind, see popular nearby 'must-see' attractions, keep in touch with other guests, post and view event photos, find transportation between events, and leave feedback with ratings and surveys to help improve future events. The app is also fully customizable to easily add and remove features depending on client needs as well custom branding.


A base app had already existed where guests could view their previously registered activities. We did simple user testing with the base app, and asked users and clients what kind of features they would like to see included that would give the consumer more of a reason to use the app, as well as giving them a more customized experience.

Once we had everyone's 'wish list,' we broke items apart and created a user flow to bring the entire experience back together, coming up with different scenarios of how different profiles would want to use the app. Wireframes were then created and tested thoroughly until approximately 80% of testers were able to complete the main tasks associated with the application.

Once we were sure users could flow through the experience properly, I applied the visual design to the user interface which was then followed by additional user testing where tweaks were continuously made until we ended with an optimal product.


UI/Visual Design